Legal notices
Browsing the Champagne Caillez Lemaire website is subject to the following conditions:
In some countries, it is forbidden to access such websites as local legislation forbids the sale and or promotion of alcoholic beverages. If you are browsing our website from a country where such prohibitions apply, please leave this website immediately.
If you are not familiar with the laws applying to this subject in your country of residence, we recommend you leave this website and check your rights before proceeding.
In order to browse this website, you must have reached the legal drinking age in your country – if this is not the case, please leave this website.
If you have reached the legal drinking age , we remind you that the abuse of alcohol is dangerous for your health. Please drink responsibly.
Champagne Caillez Lemaire endeavors to provide correct and up-to-date information on its website.
Information given on this website is provided for information purposes only, and cannot be considered as binding nor comprehensive. Indeed, Champagne Caillez Lemaire cannot guarantee the correctness, level of accuracy or comprehensiveness of the information published on this website.
Subsequently, Champagne Caillez Lemaire disclaims any liability for the following:
- for any inaccuracy, misstatement or omission concerning any of the information available on the website;
- for any direct and/or indirect damage (whatever its cause, origin, nature or consequence), caused by the access or the impossibility to access the website, as well as by the use of and/or the reliance on any information directly or indirectly originating from the website.
Champagne Caillez Lemaire reserves the right to modify or amend the website’s content at any time and without prior notice.
Furthermore, Champagne Caillez Lemaire cannot be liable for any damage ensuing from the use of information published on this website and/or the use of any product mentioned in this information. It is the user’s responsibility to check the accuracy of the information provided and use of that information.
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The website and each of its elements is protected by the French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All rights reserved, including the copying of downloadable files, logos and images. Reproduction of the website’s content (in whole or in part) is authorized solely for private use. Any reproduction of the content for any other purpose is expressly prohibited.
Website links:
The Champagne Caillez Lemaire website cannot be held liable for the content available on linked websites. The links suggested to users of the Champagne Caillez Lemaire website are for information only. The decision to use such links solely pertains to the user of the Caillez Lemaire website.
User generated links:
The Champagne Caillez Lemaire website allows linking to its pages, provided that:
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Privacy policy:
We use your personal data to share information that may be of interest to you. You may always control the information you share with Champagne Caillez Lemaire.
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Cookies are used on this website to improve your navigation. They are not used to collect information from your computer, but rather to optimize your connection, customize your browsing preferences and generate website statistics. Disabling the cookies may change your browsing experience. Nevertheless, you may disable cookies in your browser by modifying up your preferences.
Law on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties:
According to article n°27 of the Act n°78-17 dated January 6th 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties, you have the right to check, amend, update or request the deletion of your personal data (such as your name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.) you had previously willingly shared with us. To do so, please write to the following address:
Champagne Caillez Lemaire
14 Rue Pierre Curie
51480 Damery
Tel: +33 (3) 26 58 41 85
Chief editor of the website: Champagne Caillez Lemaire
37 avenue Hoche
51100 Reims
Tel. : 03 26 35 48 74
Fax : 03 69 20 81 96
SIRET : 490 907 011 00038
APE : 6201Z
RCS Reims
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